Articles About film :: Page 4
‘Last Truck’ focuses on GM family
The job of an automobile assembly line worker is to assemble one particular part over and over and over again on each vehicle that comes down the line, GM employee Kim Clay explains in the film. On the day the Moraine plant closed in December 2008, when the last truck came down the line, workers no longer had a job to do, he says — they no longer had a purpose. He felt it, others felt it. And Louis Carter, who applied the sticker with the last serial number on it, especially felt it.
Kid flicks, red carpet at Little Art
Lora Boarman, Laura Carlson, Elaine Chappelle, Chasilee Crawford and Stacey Wirrig have a refreshing — and infectious — approach to the typical departmental meeting. For starters, their weekly meetings take place at the Emporium or Yellow Springs Arts Council Art Space.
Film feast: Little Art, eateries unite
“We’re in a highly competitive industry that’s changing,” said Little Art Theatre owner Jenny Cowperthwaite in a recent interview. “Fewer people are seeing movies in theaters. It’s not just independent theaters like the Little Art that are experiencing declining attendance. It’s industry-wide.”
Sixty years of innovation at YSI
In this time of discouraging economic news, villagers can rest reassured that at least one Yellow Springs company is thriving. Celebrating its 60th year and boasting record profits, YSI Incorporated has navigated the last six decades successfully by sticking with its core values…
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