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Articles About Gaunt Park pool

  • Doggie Swim to end pool season

    Odin the bulldog was happy to kick back and lounge by the pool while others of his ilk splashed and played in the water. (Photos by Reilly Dixon)

    Gaunt Park Pool will conclude its season on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2, with the annual Doggie Swim, from 8–9 p.m.

  • Village Manager Salmerón receives 5-year contract

    At its Monday, June 6 meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a five-year contract for Village Manager Josué Salmerón.

  • Village Council— Gaunt Park pool to open with changes

    The prosepect of hitting the water after a flying leap was made more attractive by the promise of a cool splash, as local Siobhan and her uncle Christian, visiting from Jamestown, saltoed through the summer air at Gaunt Park Pool last Friday. (Photo by Isaac Delamatre)

    Gone are both the two-hour session limits and locals-only days. And higher prices will be charged across the board in the first pool rate increase since 2009.

  • Pool to open on June 5

    Several hundred villagers and out-of-towners converged on the Gaunt Park pool on Monday, a sweltering hot Memorial Day. The pool was recently upgraded with $80,000 worth of repairs, according to Village Public Works Director Johnnie Burns. The Yellow Springs pool is now the only operating municipal swimming pool in Greene County. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Gaunt Park Pool will be reopening this year, with some changes.

  • Human error caused pool herbicide scare

    Misinformation, a lack of communication and poor judgement all contributed to the gross overuse of a herbicide at the Gaunt Park pool in June, according to an investigation report presented to Village Council at Monday night’s meeting.

  • BLOG – Heat Relief

    last Friday after having been closed for a week due to the overapplication of an herbicide on the pool lawn. Village Council had the lawn cordoned off, and will decide at its July 1 meeting when to remove the fence. Shown above are swimmers enjoying the water last Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Today’s blog showcases the Gaunt Park pool on Sunday after it re-opened.

  • Village staff to alert swimmers about overuse of herbicide

    The Village will contact those who swam in the Gaunt Park pool from last Wednesday to its closing late Friday afternoon to alert them that herbicides had been applied inappropriately Wednesday morning to the grass around the pool.

  • Pool temporarily closed

    On June 12, 2013, the Village staff applied an herbicide to the clover in the grassy area around the pool, forcing closure.

  • Gaunt Park Pool hours change

    Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 22, the Gaunt Park Pool will change its open hours during the week.

  • Village Council— New law bans texting while driving

    At their April 2 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a new ordinance that would make it illegal to text while driving in Yellow Springs.

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