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Articles About healthy food

  • Schools consider local food

    A new Wellness Committee hopes to secure a grant to support a “farm to school” operation to get locally sourced fresh fruits and vegetables onto the trays of students at both the village’s elementary and secondary schools.

  • Local kale for the K–12 crowd? Lessons in fresh food service

    Three years into the Columbus-area school’s local food initiative, its cafeteria regularly serves up healthy meals prepared on-site using raw, organic ingredients, about 40 percent of which are sourced from within 125 miles of the school.

  • New college dines responsibly

    Antioch College Chef Isaac DeLamatre made plans for the opening of the college’s new kitchen and dining room, which opened on Nov. 9 in the basement of Birch Hall. Dean of Community Life Louise Smith led the design of a cooperative, locally-sourced plan to feed the campus. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Antioch college’s innovative approach to food was born partly of the need to recognize the ecological demands of food service and also to honor the experience of eating in community.

  • Vigilant for good, quick food

    Wendy Copper of Yellow Springs, pictured above, and her business partner, Doug Siegal of Bloomington, Ind., have launched a new business, Vigilant Eats. Their first product, Organic Superfood Oat-based Cereal, is being sold at the Emporium/Underdog Café. You can find the cereal beside the oatmeal on the cream stand. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Wendy Copper and her business partner have taken an initial step toward their goal by releasing their first food product, Organic Superfood Oat-based Cereal.

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