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Articles About masks

  • Masks optional at Yellow Springs public schools

    In a letter dated March 6 and sent to district families and staff on Monday, March 7, Superintendent Terri Holden announced that mask wearing in the schools would become optional effective Wednesday, March 9.

  • State mask order: how to enforce?

    Exactly two weeks to the day after the Village of Yellow Springs mandated face masks in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced masks would be required in public across the whole state.

  • Masks required by law downtown

    Council unanimously passed an emergency ordinance mandating facial coverings downtown and on Village-owned properties when physical distancing of six feet is not possible.

  • Yellow Springs Village Council mandates masks downtown

    At a special meeting on Wednesday, July 8, Council passed several new laws to improve the safety of downtown Yellow Springs in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The most significant was an ordinance that requires masks downtown.

  • Council urges masks in public; won’t enforce

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Yellow Springs Council passes resolution on masks; won’t enforce requirement

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Varied views on mask rules

    Whether visitors and villagers are following those directives — and should be made to — has become a matter of local contention in recent weeks.

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