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Articles About memorial :: Page 2

  • 2016 Blues Fest to honor Faith Patterson

    The AACW Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest returns to the village this weekend with diverse performances and activities. At the heart of this year’s festival is a community memorial service for Faith Patterson, the festival’s founder and a beloved Yellow Springs community member who died in January. Patterson will be honored at 3 p.m. Saturday on the 2016 festival grounds at the John Bryan Center. Here, she is pictured watching her son, musician Nerak Roth Patterson, perform at the festival in 2006. (News archive photo by Robert Hasek)

    Remembering, honoring and celebrating the life of teacher and community organizer Faith Patterson will be at the forefront of this year’s AACW Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest, the music festival she founded here in 1997.

  • She led with her heart and her spirit

    Local resident Becky Teilhet, who died after being struck by lightning in Colorado July 11, is shown here with some of her beloved canine friends. (Submitted photo)

    Becky Teilhet was beloved by many in the Yellow Springs community, known by family and friends for her unusually kind and generous nature.

  • Potters’ urn honors a tiny, brief life

    John Bryan Community Pottery members, from left, Carol Culbertson, Lynn Riewerts Carine, and Cindy Butler-Jones, designed and crafted a memorial urn for an Arkansas baby born with a severe birth defect. They worked free-of-charge to honor baby Hope, who lived for just 28 hours after she was born in October. See photos of the finished urn below. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Three Yellow Springs potters were commissioned to create a memorial urn for baby Hope and spent six weeks designing and crafting her final resting place.

  • Ashes to ashes, dust to diamonds

    Rita Caz recently set an unusual diamond ring for customer Vernon Dunlap. The diamond itself was created from the cremated remains of his wife, Roberta, using a process that distills and concentrates the carbon in human ashes under high heat and pressure. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Local jewelry store Rita Caz has long helped customers honor deceased friends and relatives. But a recent request by a former Springfield man who now lives in Arizona to set a diamond ring made from his wife’s ashes was a first.

  • Betcher memorial set

    A memorial service for Frank Betcher will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 2 p.m. in Rockford Chapel.

  • Mitzi Manny memorial

    A memorial celebration of the life of Mildred “Mitzi” Manny and her passion for music, art and books will be held Sunday, July 25, 2 p.m. in the Glen Helen Building. Mitzi, who most recently lived in the independent-living homes of Friends Care Community, died June 24 of cancer at the age of 91.

  • Bakari had charisma, talent

    Iddi Bakari was a sportsman with unparalleled fashion savvy. He was a charismatic jokester who could talk his way out of a tight spot. He prayed a lot and loved his family.

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