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Articles About natural resources

  • Naturalist-teacher joins Glen Helen staff

    The Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center’s new director, Michael Blackwell, sat in his (outdoor) office, where he instructs school-age students and the OEC’s interns in naturalist skills and about the history and ecology of the Glen. Blackwell arrived in early October, and is “inheriting the OEC’s 60-year tradition.” (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The office of Michael Blackwell, the new director of Glen Helen’s Outdoor Education Center (OEC), is a small trailer deep in the Glen. No more than 50 feet away is a fire pit, and the whole camp is ensconced in towering trees.

  • Company seeks local oil, gas

    Traffic was disrupted for several days last month just north of Yellow Springs as a large truck took seismic readings of rock formations thousands of feet below the roadways.

  • Company seeks local oil, gas

    Traffic was disrupted for several days last month on West Enon and North Fairfield Roads just north of Yellow Springs as a large truck took seismic readings of rock formations thousands of feet below the roadways.

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