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Articles About persistence of racism

  • Racism in village often covert

    The YS Community Foundation Encore Miller Fellows helped support the Courageous Conservations series, organized by The 365 Project and the Yellow Springs Havurah to address issues of race. Here, one local group met earlier this year. From left is David Seitz, Vivian Markley, Kirk Weigand, Megan Bachman, Mori Rothman, Karen McKee, Moya Shea, Marianne MacQueen, Lauren Heaton (obscured), and Locksley Orr. Also participating in the group was Rich Bullock and Encore Miller Fellow Jalyn Roe, who co-facilitated with MacQueen. A new round of Courageous Conversations is starting up in the fall. Those interested in participating should contact Encore Miller Fellow Len Kramer at, or 937-572-4840. (Submitted photo)

    Facing Race: This is first in a series on the impacts of racism in Yellow Springs and local anti-racist efforts and activities.

  • Diversity, inclusion efforts at the Village— Understanding implicit bias

    Over the last six months, employees of the Village attended trainings to create a more inclusive and diverse work environment and improve cultural competency at the Village.

  • Antioch College steps up diversity, inclusion

    The reality of a relatively robust percentage of students from diverse backgrounds living together on a small campus can make for a uniquely challenging college experience, according to Antioch leaders. And those leaders, including faculty, staff and students, are aiming to help students address those challenges.

  • Yellow Springs Schools seeks deeper diversity

    Achieving greater racial diversity among employees of Yellow Springs Schools — teachers, administrators and staff — has been a longtime goal of the local district. 

  • Sidewalk slur evinces racism

    A newly poured concrete curb along West South College and Wright streets was defaced with a racial slur on Oct. 30 (left), and was smoothed over before it set completely (right) by a worker. (Photos Submitted by Kevin McGruder)

    Last month, a newly poured block of concrete was defaced with a racial slur at the corner of Wright Street and West South College Street.

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