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Articles About regional economy

  • Cords and chords

    During a busy and beautiful holiday weekend in Yellow Springs, a street busker entertained holiday shoppers while villagers went about their regular business. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A street busker entertained holiday shoppers while villagers went about their regular business. 

  • Village Council— hold on hotel tax requested

    Employees and supporters of the Mills Park Hotel voiced full-throated opposition to a potential municipal sales tax on hotel customers at Village Council’s June 5 meeting.

  • A Winter Farmers’ Market

    The Winter Farmers’ Market is going on every Saturday morning in the basement of the Methodist Church.

  • Increase in need seen among villagers

    According to the Village Utility Department Clerk Susie Butler, as of this week 181 local households are over 60 days behind in their utility bills.

  • Tell me how your garden grows

    The steering committee for the local neighborhood gardens met to discuss the future of the project last Friday.

  • The Quilt Barn Project

    A local 4H club put up the first in a series of painted quilt designs last Sunday afternoon.

  • Board to discuss financial state of schools

    The community is invited to attend an open meeting discussing the 2010 education plan and the current financial state of the Yellow Springs public schools.

  • TimeBank is timely in economy

    Daily life in Yellow Springs is filled with people buying and selling at downtown businesses, while behind the scenes an informal network of exchange looms large throughout the community. A villager gives an elderly woman a ride to the doctor’s office. Another helps her neighbor weed his garden.

  • ‘Last Truck’ focuses on GM family

    The job of an automobile assembly line worker is to assemble one particular part over and over and over again on each vehicle that comes down the line, GM employee Kim Clay explains in the film. On the day the Moraine plant closed in December 2008, when the last truck came down the line, workers no longer had a job to do, he says — they no longer had a purpose. He felt it, others felt it. And Louis Carter, who applied the sticker with the last serial number on it, especially felt it.

  • Give the gift of services

    The pearly downtown lights may beckon shoppers to charming storefronts, but shopping locally for the holidays doesn’t have to mean objects wrapped in big packages. Especially for the person who already has everything, think envelopes with gift certificates for a yoga class…

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