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Eric Johnson, Stephanie Elsass and Ed Amrhein survey the Bill Duncan neighborhood garden (photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

Tell me how your garden grows

“They’re not community gardens,” Thor Bailey insists. “They’re neighborhood gardens.” One community garden would require people to drive across town, while dispersed neighborhood gardens only require you to walk across the street. Thor Bailey, the originator of these gardens, insists he is not pushing a political agenda. He just wants to give people the opportunity to grow their own food in a community environment.

Mr. Bailey was adamant about giving people in town this opportunity. Week after week he proposed a resolution to Village Council that would allow the gardens to flourish. His persistence paid off, and the Council passed the resolution in the spring of 2009. Some residents were hesitant to transform the park space at first. However, Thor asserts that nearly all the naysayers converted after seeing the gardening process firsthand. Some residents have even told Thor that the gardens have changed their minds about moving away from town.

There are three gardens in town. The one at Friends Care Center garden has fifty-two people currently tending a plot. The garden steering committee, consisting of Eric Johnson, Ed Amrhein, Stephanie Elsass and Thor Bailey have one major goal: maintain the organization of the gardens and ensure they can continue as a functional village institution. This includes assessing the ecological aspects of the gardens and ensuring enough people will participate for next year. Anyone interested in procuring a plot should contact Mr. Bailey at 767-2729 for more information.

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2 Responses to “Tell me how your garden grows”

  1. Rachel Zoe says:

    That’s something appreciable. Great efforts by Bailey in promoting activities to grow gardens in local community. It will help people to learn new thing about gardens, gardens protection, how to plant and much more. As a tree health care expert at in Sydney, I definitely recommend such projects to our local authorities.

  2. Carol Hardie says:

    Well gardening is one of the most loved hobby today. This really helps people to grow healthy food which in turn help them to save great money. For more details on healthy gardening you can visit

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