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Articles About retirement :: Page 4

  • McCurdy delivers farewell address to school board

    Joyce McCurdy

    YSHS teacher Joyce McCurdy delivers parting words to Yellow Springs school board.

  • Joyce McCurdy retires — Imparting the complexity of past

    When Joyce McCurdy left her teaching job in Springfield and took a pay cut to come to Yellow Springs schools, classes were still being held at Bryan High School, right next to the train that ran through town. That was 1968

  • Teachers Winks, Lemkau look back

    Yellow Springs High School teachers Shanna Winks and Phil Lemkau are retiring this year.

  • Teachers reflect on fulfilling careers

    Reveling by her youths — Becky Brunsman, who has taught music and kindergarten at Mills Lawn School for nearly 40 years, will retire at the end of the school year. She and long-time P.E. teacher Jutta Galbraith, are featured together in a story on page 9. Three other long-time teachers in the district, who are also retiring this year, will be featured in next week’s News. Brunsman is shown here with her kindergarten class, including in back from left, Jaleigh Smith, Vivian Bryan, Io Palassis, Eliza Minde-Berman, Mya Jones, Ethan Knemeyer, Jason Knemeyer and Liam Cooney; in front from left, Liam McClean, Elijah Williams, Hailey Roe, Maya Kingsley, Isabella Blackwell, Joe Freeman, Parker Kidd and Tallis Onfroy-Curley. (Photo by Lauren heaton)

    Five teachers from Mills Lawn Elementary School and Yellow Springs High School are retiring this year after more than 30 years in the district.

  • Four local teachers to retire

    Four teachers with long and distinguished tenure in the Yellow Springs schools gave notice of their resignations at the end of the current school year.

  • Senior cycling champ retires at 77

    Richard Simons, shown above, recently retired at age 77 from competitive bicycle racing, in which he won many titles.

    “Whether you think you can do something or not, you’re probably right.” With this paraphrase of a quote from Henry Ford, 77-year-old champion cyclist Richard Simons sums up the attitude he credits with earning him scores of race victories and multiple world records.

  • A YSHS principal who ‘gets us’

    At a recent lunchtime at Yellow Springs High School, Principal John Gudgel, who retires this year as principal, was joined by a gaggle of students. Shown above are, first row, Zyna Bakari, Anne Weigand, Anna Kahring Khan and Stephanie Scott; middle row, Jacob Trumbull, Nicky Sontag, Mr. Gudgel, Brendan Moore, Elliot Cromer and Adam Zaremsky; and back row, Marion Cosey and Nerak Patterson.

    Of the thousands of youth he has mentored over the past 30 years and the stories that go along with each individual kid, there are a few that stand out in clear relief for Yellow Springs High School Principal John Gudgel.

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