2024 Yellow Springs Giving & Gifting Catalogue

Articles About school bond levy

  • YS school board — District seeks levy renewal

    With a renewal levy on the Nov. 6 ballot, Yellow Springs school  district leaders want local voters to know that the measure, if approved, will not increase their tax bill.

  • How will you vote on the school levy?

    Last week the News spoke to about two dozen villagers representing a cross-section of the community about how they plan to vote on the upcoming school facilities levy.

  • The school levy: What you need to know

    by Yellow Springs School Board The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously at its Dec. 14 meeting to seek a May 2018 levy for a proposed $18.5 million rebuild/renovation of McKinney Middle/YSHS. Pictured here is a concept design, prepared by Ruetschle Architects and presented at the meeting, showing the buildings targeted for demolition, as well as those where renovations only are planned. (Rendering submitted)

    On Tuesday, May 8, residents of the Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District will vote on a combined property tax and income tax bond levy for the renovation and replacement of the local middle school and high school. Learn more about the issue.

  • How safe are village schools?

    In recent weeks, the focus of those promoting the YSHS/McKinney facilities levy seems to some villagers to have shifted to safety, as epitomized by the flier and recent letters to the editor in this paper.

  • Typographical error forces special meeting

    A typo in the bond and tax levy resolution approved by the Yellow Springs school board earlier this month forced the board to call a special meeting Tuesday, Jan. 23, to replace the incorrect resolution with the corrected version.

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