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Articles About School closures

  • Yellow Springs Schools are closed Wednesday, Jan. 22

    Frozen clematis (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education has decided to close village schools on Wednesday, Jan. 22, due to extreme cold weather.

  • Students adapt to remote learning

    Interacting with teachers and classmates mostly through websites and online programs, distance learning provides an alternative to in-person classes.

  • YS Schools— Learning continues despite closure

    This week would have been spring break for Yellow Springs schools, if they — and all other kindergarten through 12th grade institutions in the state — had not closed a week earlier, as ordered by Gov. Mike DeWine in response to the worldwide novel coronavirus outbreak.

  • Village schools closed Thursday, Jan. 31

    Subzero temperatures and fine dry snow blew across fields Wednesday morning, Jan. 30. The weather caused schools and businesses to close. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Village schools, the Antioch School, the Community Children’s Center and Friends Preschool will all be closed on Thursday, Jan. 30, due to continuing extreme low temperatures. 

  • Making the call for calamity days

    During this exceptionally cold and snowy winter, Yellow Springs School Superintendent Mario Basora has closed local schools eight times, three more than the state’s maximum of five calamity days per school year without having to make up the days.

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