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Articles About school facilities

  • Architect firm chosen for school facilities project

    Ruetschle Architects, and in particular firm Vice President Mike Ruetschle, worked with the district in 2022 and 2023 as a consultant to create a master facilities plan to put before voters.

  • Facilities Committee split on renovation

    The YS Schools Facilities Committee continued to discuss potential options for renovation of the district’s public school buildings at its most recent meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5.

  • YS school board — Facilities levy set for ballot

    After months of incremental steps leading toward the goal of putting a nearly $35.6 million facilities levy on the November ballot, the Yellow Springs school board has taken the final move necessary to place the measure before district voters this fall.

  • Email sparks legal concern

    The ground rules for who can support levy campaigns, and when and how they do it, arose this week when a community member questioned the legality of an email forwarded by the Yellow Springs Schools district office.

  • YS School Board Facilities Master Planning Community Forums

    Facilities Master Planning Community Forums

  • Special Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting

    A special Board of Education will be live-streamed Monday, Dec. 18, at 12:30 p.m. on the schools’ YouTube channel.

  • Facilities task force sets priorities

    About 10 months since its first meeting in March, the School Facilities Task Force hosted a community meeting Tuesday, Dec. 10, to share its findings and potential recommendations to the school board and to take questions and feedback from community members.

  • Task force to seek community input

    Meeting regularly since its formation last spring by then-Yellow Springs Superintendent Mario Basora, the schools facilities task force is close to taking its findings out into the community in a series of public meetings, where members plan to share the information they’ve gathered and collect feedback.

  • Yellow Springs Schools — Holden addresses facilities

    The schools facilities task force meeting, Wednesday, July 3, set aside time for incoming Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden to speak about her perspective on the task force’s role.

  • YS Schools facilities— New report, familiar concerns

    Local school buildings are in immediate need of upgrades. That was the paraphrased conclusion Wednesday, May 15, when representatives of the architectural engineering firm hired by Yellow Springs Schools to conduct an independent assessment of district facilities presented their findings to a joint meeting of the school board and the recently formed facilities task force.

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