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Articles About science

  • Mills Lawn School Math and Science Night, 2015

    Jonah Simon and Vivian Grushon examine various items up closer with magnifying glasses at the optics station at Mills Lawn School's annual Math and Science Night. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School held its annual Math and Science Night Friday, Jan. 28.

  • From classrooms to coral reefs

    McKinney School seventh- and eighth-grade science teacher Terry Graham retires at the end of the school year to return to science field work and spend more time with family. Here Graham shows off a student project on the rainforest. During her 12 years at McKinney, Graham said she enjoyed encouraging student creativity and teamwork through projects. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Now entering a new phase of her life, Terry Graham, a former field biologist, retires at the end of the school year as science teacher to head back into the field.

  • Students take a global look at water

    Antioch College student Adam Abraham researched the history of global conflicts caused by the scarcity of water as his final project for the global seminar on the topic of water. All 35 students presented their final projects at McGregor Hall last Wednesday. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Having approached the topic of water through the disciplines of art, science, history, literature, environmentalism and political science all in one semester, Antioch College faculty members Lewis Trelawny-Cassidy and David Kammler received a range of final projects that reflected their integrative model.

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