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Articles About Streetscape

  • Village Council— Mayor revamp off table

    Village Council will not propose changes to the mayor’s role in the upcoming charter revision, members said at this week’s Council work session.

  • Sidewalks by Tom’s up next for repairs

    The Village announced last week that it plans to begin phase III of the downtown streetscape renovation on the southwest side of Xenia Avenue in mid-July. The project includes replacing sidewalks, curbcuts and removing and replanting trees along the route. (News archive photo by Matt Minde

    Sidewalks along the west side of Xenia Avenue downtown will be replaced this summer as part of a multi-year Village “streetscape” project.

  • Downtown lighting gets a makeover

    New streetlights were installed on Xenia Avenue last week, and will be installed on Dayton Street soon.

  • A new lighting look downtown

    Village electric crew members Dan Mayenschein (in bucket) Chris Hamilton and Jane Hamilton installed one of the three new streetlights on the north end of Xenia Avenue on Monday. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers who venture downtown this week may notice that the Village electric crew finished installing three street lamps at the north end of downtown.

  • Village Council— Streetscape plan is curbed

    At their Aug. 20 meeting, Village Council members said no to a controversial and ambitious plan to change the downtown streetscape.

  • Council votes on streetscape Aug. 20

    At its Aug. 6 meeting, fewer people showed up for Village Council’s discussion on the proposed streetscape changes than at Council’s last meeting, and fewer people spoke against the changes.

  • Choice of replacement trees complex

    “The right tree for the right location” is a phrase oft repeated by arborists dispensing long-term landscaping advice. It was used several times last week by those focused on deciding how to replace the trees that line the downtown.

  • Streetscape design clarified

    The Xenia Ave. streetscape plan, presented at Council on Monday, shows the locations of new street trees, street lights, parking spaces and bicycle racks. The drawing was completed by Yellow Springs Design, LLC.

    Downtown will get a makeover this summer — and it’s not just the sidewalks.

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