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Articles About Streetscrape

  • I thought that I should never see…

    On Wednesday morning, May 27, Village of YS crew workers and YS Tree Committee worked together to plant seven downtown trees including Princeton elm, American hornbeam, yellowwood and Greenspire linden. The trees were chosen for their vibrant flowering colors, variations of leaves and differing tree shapes. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    On Wednesday morning, May 27, Village of YS crew workers and YS Tree Committee worked together to plant seven downtown trees.

  • Street work messy but promising

    Crew members of Village contractor Durst Brothers Excavation were tearing up the town this week to construct new sidewalks and plant new trees along the east side of Xenia Avenue. The current phase of the streetscape renovation is scheduled to be finished before Thanksgiving. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Although they were invasive and well past their expected lifespan, the eight Callery pear trees that were lifted from the downtown last week will be missed.

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