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Articles About suicide

  • Reaching out to save a life

    In the depths of depression, a young Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to his law partner in 1841 that hinted at possible suicidal intentions.

  • The role of police in preventing suicide

    Local police have responded ten times to a possibly suicidal person in the village this year. While each case is unique, in all of them police assess the safety of the situation and then choose a course of action.

  • BLOG—Surviving Suicide

    Part of the awareness we must focus on in September is an awareness of those who are left behind by suicide, who often find themselves alone after the casseroles have been eaten and the well-wishes have ceased. The years may pass, but that does not mean we have adequately addressed our myriad emotions. Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to heal. 

  • Subject of police search taken to hospital

    At 12:40 p.m. Thursday, July 11, the Yellow Springs police apprehended Stefan Ritchie, 24, and transported him to Greene County Memorial Hospital.

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