
Articles About technology

  • Yellow Springs Schools — Educators grapple with tech

    When Yellow Springs Schools’ former Superintendent Mario Basora attended an international education leadership conference in Germany last summer, the theme of the gathering was technology.

  • How much tech should be in Yellow Springs schools?

    The Yellow Springs community needs to have a serious discussion about the technology that local students need to keep up with today’s educational demands, Yellow Springs Superintendent Mario Basora said at the November school board meeting last week.

  • UPDATE: WYSO will go off the air Saturday

    WYSO will go off air briefly on Saturday, Oct. 22.

  • YSHS computer guru powers down

    In an unseasonably warm third-floor classroom humming with rows of PC computers and hulking monitors, veteran teacher James Ventling surveyed the space, occasionally forced to peer around bundled groups of wires fed down from the ceiling. On the walls were maps of constellations, renderings of virtual landscapes and examples of graphic design.

  • Web site profiles life in village by and for young families

    “When the Village Council convenes in the small space at the Bryan Center, most Yellow Springs families are busy fixing dinner, attending after-school functions and extracurricular activities, and bathing and putting their youth to bed.”

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