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Articles About VIDA

  • Livin’ la VIDA local

    The Yellow Springs Public Arts and Culture Commission held the annual Village Inspiration and Design, or VIDA, award ceremony Saturday, Nov. 16, in Herndon Gallery at Antioch College.

  • 2023 Village Inspiration and Design Award celebration set

    The YS Public Arts & Culture Commission will honor its 2023 VIDA recipients in a celebration Friday, Nov. 3, 6–8 p.m., at Herndon Gallery on the Antioch College campus.

  • Women’s Park to receive VIDA

    Some of the Women's Park gardeners and founders recently met at the park, on the Little Miami Bike Trail. The park will be honored with the YS Arts and Culture Commission's VIDA on Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. The public is invited.

    The Yellow Springs Arts and Culture Commission has selected The Women’s Park to receive the Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA, for summer 2018.

  • Mindful environs

    The VIDA commission recognized the Dharma Center, located on the corner of Davis and Livermore streets, because the building and surrounding gardens “create a subtle yet compelling visual effect and atmosphere. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is the spring 2016 recipient of VIDA, or the Village Inspiration and Design Award, which is awarded quarterly by the Yellow Springs Art and Culture Commission.

  • Spires of art and whimsy

    The Village of Yellow Springs Public Art Commission will award Tim and Kelley Callahan, here with their daughter Lucy, the first Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA, on Friday, June 19, 8 p.m. at the YSAC Gallery. At their home on the corner of Corry Street and Glen View Road, the Callahans have built ever-changing stone piles, or cairns, for the last 20 years. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The mystical garden of rock forms balanced precariously in the yard of Tim and Kelley Callahan has a life of its own.

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