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Articles About Village utilities

  • Yellow Springs water, electric meters to go remote

    Soon, Yellow Springs residents will have meters that can be read remotely and quickly — each producing hour-by-hour usage data.  The goal of this initiative? To help local utility customers better monitor usage, and as a result, save money and resources. 

  • ‘I’m your meter reader’

    In the year since she was hired by the Village of Yellow Springs, Rose Pelzl has become a friendly, knowledgeable force for accurate and timely readings of villagers’ water meters

  • Village Council—Local electricity mega-green

    Yellow Springs has the greenest power supply of the 139 municipal members of its electric supplier. It may even be the greenest on the region’s electric grid.

  • Cut electric rates with peak shaving

    Periodically throughout the summer, Village government encourages Yellow Springers to assist with “peak shaving.” The practice is generally understood as a way to reduce electricity usage and save money, but what does it actually mean?

  • Village Council— Morris Bean sewer request raises concerns

    At Village Council’s June 20 meeting, a former Village manager took Council to task for not insisting that Morris Bean be annexed into the Village in exchange for hooking up the company to the Village sewer system. If annexed, the company would pay Village income taxes and thus enhance Village revenues.

  • Village Council finds unity on utility bill change

    Unified support around a proposed policy change to hold landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts emerged again at Village Council’s May 4 meeting, when Council voted 5–0 in favor of the change.

  • Council stand on utilities is giving way

    The unanimous stand taken by Village Council at its last meeting for holding property owners responsible for their tenants’ utility debts began crumbling at Monday’s meeting, when two Council members formerly for the policy change weighed in against it, and another expressed ambivalence.

  • Village Council— Landlords held responsible for utilities

    Village Council members unanimously supported a proposed change in Village policy that makes property owners responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.

  • Village Council— Landlords protest change

    At Village Council’s March 16 meeting, Council members heard a second full-throated protest by local landlords to a proposed new Village policy holding landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.

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