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Articles About Visioning

  • Visioning results presented

    At a special meeting with Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees on Monday, Aug. 30, the two governmental bodies were presented with a written draft for public review of the year-long Yellow Springs/Miami Township visioning process.

  • Visioning moves into action steps

    About 120 participants took part in the final phase of visioning in May to choose the five action steps they would most like to see happen in the community. The action steps, along with many others, were generated from the previous two visioning phases.

  • Visioning report to Council tonight

    Village of Yellow Springs

    Results from the local visioning effort will be presented on June 2 at a special joint meeting between Village Council and the Township Trustees.

  • Barr conditions approved

    At their July 21 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a resolution identifying conditions to be met for the Friends Care Community’s planned development for senior apartments.

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