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Housing Section :: Page 10

  • Zoning issue stymies infill

    The denial of a density variance last month by the Board of Zoning Appeals is motivating some Village officials to reconsider the criteria the board uses to grant variances and to review the overall effectiveness of the Village’s zoning code.

  • Sustainable, affordable properties— Land trust for the long haul

    While legally, the property beneath Cathleen Tong’s home on Xenia Avenue is leased rather than owned, it feels to her like her own land.

  • Affordability is top concern in attracting new families

    Creating more entry-level housing, keeping living expenses affordable and more aggressively marketing Yellow Springs to the region — these were some of the ideas offered at a recent meeting that focused on how to attract more young families to the village.

  • FCC drops apartment plans

    The Friends Care Community Board of Trustees announced last week that the care center has withdrawn its proposal for a new senior apartment building downtown, according to a letter board president Mary White sent to community members.

  • Council looks at affordability

    Village Council needs to decide whether it intends to make affordable housing a priority before moving ahead with a specific project, John Davis told Council members at their June 7 meeting.

  • Affordable Housing Expert Promotes Land Trust Model

    National affordable housing leader John Emmeus Davis of Burlington, Vermont with Marianne MacQueen of Yellow Springs Home, Inc., who partnered with the Village of Yellow Springs to bring Davis to town. Davis discussed affordable housing issues with a small group of citizens on Monday morning. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    John Emmeus Davis of the Champlain Housing Trust in Burlington, Vermont met with a group of community members Monday morning to promote community land trusts as a way to acheive affordable housing in Yellow Springs.

  • Affordability leader in YS

    The Home, Inc. community land trust organization — which creates affordable housing by having homeowners pay only for the house, with the land staying in a community trust — along with the Yellow Springs Village Council, hopes to jumpstart a conversation on affordable housing.

  • Passive House is an active goal

    Andrew and Anisa Kline of Green Generation Building Company stand at the construction site of their Yellow Springs Passive House on Dayton Street, which will be completed in July. They hope their structure meets the rigorous energy efficiency standards of the Passive House.

    Andrew Kline is already the youngest builder in Yellow Springs. But the 29-year-old general contractor also wants to be the greenest. With his newly formed company, Green Generation Building, and the construction of his first energy-efficient home nearing completion, Kline is well on his way to establishing himself as a green builder. If Kline and […]

  • Low-income senior housing builder presents to Council

    At their May 17 meeting, members of Village Council heard a presentation on low-income senior housing from Lynn Dalton, president of the Franklin Foundation of Columbus. The nonprofit group has built 14 senior communities in Ohio, and is interested in partnering with the Village or local nonprofits to build one in Yellow Springs.

  • Home, Inc. has option on Rabbit Run

    The historically green space at Rabbit Run farm that is alternately high-touch vegetable garden and brambly wildbrush, home to fox, deer and, of course, lots of rabbits, may be in for a change. Last month, Home, Inc. bought an option to purchase the 7.5-acre farm on Dayton Street to accommodate what the housing group hopes will be its first mixed-income, energy-efficient development project.

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