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Housing Section :: Page 9

  • Village affordable housing project elicits community support, concerns

    In a discussion of a proposed affordable housing development at Village Council’s Feb. 22 meeting, some villagers spoke in support of the potential public/private partnership to build four permanently-affordable homes.

  • Friends plans to sell Barr property

    This week a Friends Care Community task force announced plans to sell the Barr property, which the Morgan Family Foundation had gifted to the care center in November.

  • Affordable housing solutions elsewhere—Creativity and communication is key

    As the News winds down its series on affordable housing, it seems appropriate to look at other communities that have taken steps toward addressing a need for affordable housing.

  • Some construction expected

    While the majority of homes sold in the village each year are existing structures, new construction continues to add housing stock to the village. And even during this construction off-season, interest is picking up for new housing.

  • Council urged to make low-cost homes efficient

    In Village Council’s first discussion of a draft agreement for a proposed affordable housing project at its Jan. 3 meeting, Council was urged to require from the developer tighter energy efficient building practices than currently specified.

  • Sun warms homes at Thistle Creek

    Jonathan Brown, left, and Roy Eastman are building three passive houses in the Thistle Creek development. The passive house uses a variety of energy-efficient building techniques, including double-thick walls to retain heat. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Home building may not be his primary career, but Yellow Springs electronics distributor Roy Eastman is no novice either, as he has spent the last several years researching energy-efficient building and retrofitting his company’s office.

  • Increased school district enrollment increases opportunities

    Increasing local students means increasing local families, and while the village appears to provide a home for families at a variety of income levels, more housing in general could help to generate a school district population that is more sustainable.

  • Odiorne home to open soon

    Four area residents team up to preserve the historic home on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Herman Street, where an open house is slated to take place sometime early next year.

  • Faces of first-time buyers in YS

    Geno and Krystal Luketic are the sort of young couple that local leaders hope will settle in the village. However, while Geno continues his work at the pottery shop, the Luketics are no longer village residents.

  • Faces of first-time buyers in Yellow Springs

    Geno and Krystal Luketic are the sort of young couple that local leaders hope will settle in the village.

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