Economy Section :: Page 54
Sun warms homes at Thistle Creek
Home building may not be his primary career, but Yellow Springs electronics distributor Roy Eastman is no novice either, as he has spent the last several years researching energy-efficient building and retrofitting his company’s office.
Assistance available on home heating bills
The Ohio Department of Development offers four programs to help low-income Ohioans with their heating bills.
Increase in need seen among villagers
According to the Village Utility Department Clerk Susie Butler, as of this week 181 local households are over 60 days behind in their utility bills.
Schools look at fiscal crisis
In order to avoid a projected negative cash balance by the end of the 2013 fiscal year, school board members at their Dec. 9 meeting discussed ways to reduce the district’s 2010–2011 budget.
Increased school district enrollment increases opportunities
Increasing local students means increasing local families, and while the village appears to provide a home for families at a variety of income levels, more housing in general could help to generate a school district population that is more sustainable.
Local women who make a difference
The organizers of 100 Women Making a Difference in Greene County want to make a difference in the lives of community members by donating most effectively to the nonprofits who serve them.
Scented organic soap, naturally made
Recently Chris Entler could be found in his new soap shop and studio in Kings Yard working on a new challenge: creating, with spearment leaves, an intricate design in a soap bar.
Whey to go: local cheese arrives
Those who prefer local foods can now add a variety of locally-produced cheese to their diets, thanks to two area dairies that have recently been turning fresh milk into cheese.
Odiorne home to open soon
Four area residents team up to preserve the historic home on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Herman Street, where an open house is slated to take place sometime early next year.
Baldwin buys Kings Yard
The sale of the long building of shops in Kings Yard that was auctioned off in April was finalized last week by the purchaser, Bob Baldwin.
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