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Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 24

  • Council changes sidewalk policy

    At their March 21 meeting, members of Village Council gave the final approval to an ordinance that changes Village policy on sidewalk maintenance, shifting the responsibility for upkeep from property owners to the Village.

  • State cuts have local budget impact

    Local institutions are reeling from the release of Gov. John Kasich’s biennial budget last week, which proposes funding cuts for local governments, schools, libraries and elder care facilities.

  • Services to citizens vary greatly by community

    Yellow Springs residents do pay more to live in the village, according to a 2008 cost of living comparison of school and municipal income tax, property tax and utility costs in area towns.

  • Many 2010 Village projects

    At the March 7 Village Council meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff presented a report on some of the Village’s 2010 significant accomplishments.

  • Revenue drop leads to levy renewal

    On May 3 Yellow Springers will be asked to vote on Issue 1, a renewal of the current Village five-year 8.4 mill property tax levy due to expire at the end of 2011.

  • Energy report cards firststep towards conservation

    Energy report cards will soon be sent to some residents in hopes that the data will spur residents to make energy-efficiency upgrades to their homes.

  • Solar farm discussion continues

    SolarVision installed a 224-kilowatt solar array at the Athens Community Center last year.

    The Village is exploring the technical requirements for a 2 to 5 megawatt solar photovoltaic array that may be built in the Village. In a conference call this week, plans were made to study the Village’s electric distribution system before Council discusses SolarVision’s proposal at its March 22 meeting.

  • Ice will melt, but the stories linger

    Not going anywhere soon: Last Wednesday morning a van on W. Davis Street seemed to shrink under the weight of the ice-covered tree that had toppled over during the ice storm the night before. Hundreds of limbs and branches fell during the storm, causing power outages all over the village. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Great Yellow Springs Ice Storm of 2011 had a silver lining, as the warmth of community softened Mother Nature’s blow.

  • Post office changes likely

    As the U.S. Postal Service begins closing 2,000 postal stations and branches around the country and reshuffling its staff, some local residents are worried about impacts to the Yellow Springs Post Office and their mail delivery.

  • Increase in need seen among villagers

    According to the Village Utility Department Clerk Susie Butler, as of this week 181 local households are over 60 days behind in their utility bills.

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