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Government Section :: Page 20

  • Village Council denounces Roe v. Wade decision

    Village Council formally dissented from the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case, as well as established the Village’s intention to de-prioritize enforcing state laws that criminalize abortions.

  • Township Trustees approve fire levy

    At its June 27 meeting, the Miami Township Board of Trustees voted to approve a resolution of necessity to move forward with placing a 3.5-mill continuing levy on the November ballot.

  • Village Council revisits busking regulation

    Local street musicians Perin Ellsworth-Heller, left, and Ben Hemmendinger performed their Appalachian and Irish-inspired tunes on the sidewalk along Xenia Avenue for about two hours last Saturday. Village Council passed a new policy this week that limits for how long and where street musicians can play after receiving numerous noise complaints from downtown shop owners and their employees. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On July 21, Village Council heard a presentation from Public Arts and Culture Commission member Amy Wamsley on busking, or street performers entertaining in public areas.

  • Village Council approves utility rate increases

    The soon-to-be-retired utility pole illuminated against the night sky by work lights (Photo by Matt Minde)

    At its most recent regular meeting June 21, Village Council unanimously passed a flurry of emergency legislation adjusting the tap-in fees for water, sewer and electric utilities.

  • New fireworks law in effect

    Fireworks from the 2012 display at Gaunt Park. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)c

    A new state law allows Ohioans to discharge consumer fireworks on specified holidays, unless their local political subdivision bans the use.

  • Village Manager Salmerón receives 5-year contract

    At its Monday, June 6 meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a five-year contract for Village Manager Josué Salmerón.

  • Miami Township to pursue MTFR levy

    Casey Brewer, who first came to Miami Township Fire-Rescue in 2013 as a member of the Explorer Post for teens, took this photo at a recent training event and shared it on the MTFR Facebook page. Brewer, 19, recently received EMT certification, Chief Colin Altman reported at the Miami Township Trustees’ most recent meeting Monday, July 1. (Submitted photo by Casey Brewer)

    At the Miami Township Trustees’ regular meeting on Monday, June 6, Trustee Chair Chris Mucher said the financial needs of the township’s fire department and emergency medical services have risen significantly in recent years.

  • Village Council revisits the Utility Roundup

    The Village of YS was recognized by the American Public Power Association for its electric reliability.

    The Utility Roundup program was implemented in late 2018 as an initiative to help people struggling to pay their bills.

  • Village Council eyes credit card policy changes

    At their regular meeting on Monday, May 16, Village Council members considered credit card legislation that would place the Village in compliance with the State Auditor’s office.

  • Mechanical failure causes sludge spill

    On Saturday, May 28, around 6 p.m., a mechanical failure at the Village’s municipal water and wastewater treatment plant led to nearly 750 gallons of sludge spilling out of the facility.

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