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Higher Education Section :: Page 47

  • University presidents played key role in rejection of ACCC

    When the Antioch Univerity Board of Trustees on May 8 rejected the Antioch College Continuation Corporation’s proposal to save the college, a significant factor was the opposition to the proposal from the presidents of the university’s other five campuses…

  • College facilities may be at risk

    The only unlocked door on the Antioch College campus these days is that of Main Building, where a small staff remains until the college officially closes on June 30.

  • A ‘Yellow Springs Promise’ to help with costs of college

    At the meeting of the Yellow Springs Board of Education on Thursday, May 8, board members heard a draft proposal for a new program aimed at both promoting higher education for local young people and attracting new young families to Yellow Springs.

  • Trustees reject final AC3 offer, Antioch College to close

    In what appears to be the final act of the long, complex and heartwrenching saga around efforts to save Antioch College, the Antioch University Board of Trustees on Thursday, May 8, rejected the offer of the Antioch College Continuation Corporation, or AC3, of almost $16 million to keep the college open.

  • University threatens legal action against Village

    Last week Antioch University threatened legal action against the Village of Yellow Springs in response to the Village’s request that the university dismantle an unauthorized air conditioning unit.

  • Council unanimously urges university to save college

    At their meeting Monday, May 5, members of Village Council unanimously passed a resolution urging that Antioch University keep Antioch College open. “I feel strongly that it’s important for us to take a stand one way or another,” said Council member Lori Askeland, who wrote the resolution.

  • University threatens Nonstop

    Antioch University last week threatened to take legal action against individual Antioch College faculty members who are involved in Nonstop Antioch unless the faculty members agree not to teach in a program that includes ‘Antioch’ in its title.

  • Antioch University plans to close Coretta Scott King Center

    Disappointment and hopefulness are the two conflicting feelings Dana Patterson, director of Antioch College’s Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom, has been carrying with her this year.

  • Nonstop Antioch, nonstop ideals

    Some folks just won’t take no for an answer. Take, for instance, the faculty, students and alumni of Antioch College who recently launched Nonstop Antioch. “We have heard ‘no’ so many times, but it’s not in our vocabulary,”…

  • Negotiations between ACCC and university come to a halt

    Negotiations between Antioch University and the Antioch College Continuation Corporation, or ACCC, came to an end Friday, March 28, when the university did not respond to the deadline set by ACCC for a response to its final offer to purchase the college.

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