Village Schools Section :: Page 21
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice
Yellow Springs Board of Education
Yellow Springs Board of Education
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Employment
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Employment
YS Schools restart— District assesses risks
This story looks at some of the risks of both in-person and online instruction that local educators are weighing in planning for the new academic year.
Antioch School plans for in-person restart
As the new academic year approaches, the Antioch School — the local independent day-school for pre-K and elementary school-aged children — is planning to open its doors, and its many windows, for in-person classes this fall.
Yellow Springs Schools— New academic year to begin online
In a specially called meeting Saturday morning, July 25, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved a plan to restart the 2020–21 academic year online, with instruction to be presented by district teachers.
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice
Yellow Springs Schools to start academic year online
In a specially called online meeting Saturday morning, July 25, the Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved a plan to restart the 2020–21 academic year with all students receiving online instruction presented by district teachers.
Local teacher to host virtual day camp
Antioch School older group teacher Sally Dennis is hosting a virtual summer camp on Dayton’s PBS station, ThinkTV, with daily episodes on topics such as health, peace and diversity running from July 27–August 1.
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Meeting
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Meeting
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