Village Schools Section :: Page 19
2020 Year in Review: Village Schools
Calendar year 2020 began and ended with Yellow Springs school district leaders discussing identified structural needs in the local school buildings and how to address them, but the majority of the year was occupied by the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
YS Schools— Board OKs hybrid transition plan
Yellow Springs school district leaders are making plans for students to return to in-person classes, but exactly when that will be is uncertain.
Special Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting
A special Board of Education will be live-streamed Monday, Dec. 18, at 12:30 p.m. on the schools’ YouTube channel.
Board approves plan for eventual return to in-person instruction
The Yellow Springs school board approved a plan for the district’s second semester, which starts Jan. 19, to begin transitioning students back to the classroom for in-person instruction.
Schools project deficit by 2024
With the expectation that the district will be going to voters for more funds in the form of a facilities bond levy in late 2021, Treasurer Emrick presented the annual five-year financial forecast during the school board’s most recent meeting.
Yellow Springs Schools facilities upgrades— $30 million cost expected
Yellow Springs School District leaders anticipate a $30 million price tag, at minimum, to upgrade the district’s buildings, whether those improvements take the form of new construction or major renovations.
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Regular Meeting
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Regular Meeting, Thursday, Nov.12, 2020, 7 p.m.
Yellow Springs School board— Facilities back at forefront
Administrators’ recent focus on pandemic-related school closures, and the accompanying transition to online instruction, drastically slowed the facilities conversation, but didn’t sideline it completely.
Countering racism in Yellow Springs schools
In the News’ ongoing “Facing Race” series, we turn this week to the local school district for a look at how the schools are reckoning with race and implementing new efforts, alongside continuing initiatives, to counter racism’s presence and effects.
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Regular Meeting
Yellow Springs Board of Education • Regular Meeting, Thursday, Nov.12, 2020, 7 p.m.
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