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Articles About Personal Change :: Page 2

  • BLOG— Another year by

    Time, is that you knocking? At the door this time, Time, three sharp raps from the oldest knuckles in the world. Another year by, Time? Really? Why, I remember you at last year’s door.

  • BLOG— New home blues

    Life feels fragile when it’s bundled into boxes, especially when it’s bundled into boxes marked “FRAGILE,” a poignant convergence of packing parlance and metaphor.

  • BLOG— Starry, starry thoughts

    What is it about space and death? Our human lives are so small, so brief. We’re mayflies born to live one day, or one second, or not even one, in cosmic time.

  • BLOG— Refusing to bend

    Suppleness, or its lack, is on my mind, and not just because the world is experiencing its annual arteriosclerosis. Change, any change, triggers in me a sort of panic.

  • BLOG— The ends of things

    It’s 90 fierce degrees outside, but summer is done. Labor Day arrives to wake us from the green dream.

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