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Articles About Personal Change
  • BLOG— Our paper

    Small town, big win The Yellow Springs News won the top prize, Newspaper of the Year, in its size category for the eighth year in a row at last week’s Ohio News Media Association conference in Columbus. See an article on the win on page 7. Shown above is the News staff: front row from left, Advertising Director Robert Hasek, Eternity the news­hound, Village Desk Editor Lauren “Chuck” Shows and Reporter Megan Bachman. In back from left, Designer Suzanne Szempruch, Reporter Carol Simmons, Editor Diane Chiddister, Reporter Audrey Hackett and Designer Matt Minde. (Photo by the self-timer)

    Almost 20 years later, I landed another job at another community paper. This one was in Yellow Springs, Ohio — perhaps you’ve heard of it — and the paper was well over 100 years old, with Quaker roots.

  • BLOG— Happy Hanukwanzamas!

    El Santuario de Chimayo, New Mexico. (Photo by Grant Hackett)

    Years ago I had a friend, culturally but not religiously Jewish, who devised a third greeting: “Happy Hanukwanzamas!” I was there the day he worked it out on a piece of paper, fitting the three words together.

  • BLOG— Spring, and the tiny shift

    Snow on St. Patrick's Day (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    In any life, there are things that require healing. Often this healing happens in secret, the way winter turns into spring (and sometimes back again).

  • BLOG— Infinite cathedral

    There’s no problem the wind and rain can’t solve, even the November wind and rain. The wind and rain can’t name the problem, can’t diagnose it, can’t prescribe, yet they can, shall we say, dissolve it.

  • BLOG— ‘A very, very fine house’

    Like a lifetime achievement award, Yellow Springs bestows the moniker of home ownership at the end of a person’s career, not at its beginning or mid-point. And why not? A person doesn’t own a thing just because a piece of paper says she does.

  • BLOG— The stakes of staying open

    Sometimes when a story touches on the very spots I most wish to avoid, something else occurs. Rather than fuzzing my reception, the story’s nearness to my own experience seems to open a channel for really hearing.

  • BLOG— Waking up to spring

    It’s still February, a strange and diffident month. It’s a little scared of its own boldness, so ducks its head, like the snowdrops, and calls down the snow.

  • BLOG— Feeling more free

    Matching my gait to my thoughts (or was it the other way around?), I realized that one part of freedom was what I was experiencing right then: the removal of arbitrary constraints.

  • BLOG— Remnant and portent

    A winter garden holds as much spring as spring itself, the way the pause before speech holds as much speech as the flow of words that follows.

  • BLOG— Fresh starts

    Are fresh starts really possible? Three weeks after the annual big one — the new door of Jan. 1 — the question seems urgent. This is the time of year when I teeter between hope and despair.

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