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  • Lightning powers down the village

    Around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 5, the entire village’s electric grid went dim, and then at 8:30 a.m. the village went dark. The howling storms the night before had “fried” the closer, or giant circuit breaker, on the DP&L substation on Snypp Road…

  • Football parent meeting

    All parents/guardians of prospective McKinney School and Yellow Springs High School football players are asked to attend a meeting with the coaches on Friday, Aug. 8, at 7 p.m., at the high school.

  • Council approves Village manager search survey

    In the quest to find a new Village manager, Village Council at its meeting Monday, Aug. 4, approved a survey to gauge what Council members, Village staff and village residents care most about in a Village manager.

  • Lawn art calls to Village Walkers

    There’s a secret club in Yellow Springs that’s been meeting for 10 years. Walking and chatting all over town, club members are almost indistinguishable from the rest of the villagers.

  • WEB concert reprise at Oten

    In a reprise of a popular music scene that suddenly went poof about a year-and-a-half ago, one of the original organizers of the WEB Coffeehouse will be staging a series of three performances at the Oten Gallery, across Xenia Avenue from its long-time home, the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Water you waiting for?

    Come on in! The water’s joyful!

  • Football coaches sought

    The Miami Valley Warriors “semi-pro” football team has a few openings for football coaches. Previous coaching experience and football knowledge is preferred.

  • Whistles, genetics, trophies, oh my!

    We start the evening and end the evening with a whistle. It’s a fascinating thing how so many of us love the sound of the athletic whistle, the clear-high-pitched, a train’s-a-coming blast of it.

  • Velma Duvall

    Velma R. Duvall died of heart failure in Springfield Community Hospital on Wednesday morning, July 30. She was 90. Velma was born on Nov. 4, 1917, in Imogene, Minn.

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