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  • Village manager position—Third candidate interviewed

    In some ways Bluffton, Ohio, is a lot like Yellow Springs, according to Nancy Benroth, on Monday night. Benroth, who has worked as the assistant village manager of Bluffton for 11 years, spoke to a group of about 25 villagers on Monday, Oct. 20, in the third and last public forum to feature manager candidates.

  • Tire burn raises concerns

    Last May, after having been turned down in 2006 due to earlier air emissions and kiln violations, Cemex’s Fairborn cement plant received approval from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to conduct two 60-day tests using whole scrap tires for up to 30 percent of its fuel source.

  • Home, Inc. knows where heart is

    Sharon Mohler is an artist to her core. The small Home, Inc. house she rents at the south end of Xenia Avenue is a gallery for the sycamore studies in colored pencil, oil paintings and clay figurines she creates in her basement studio, which, she says with a deep smile, is the biggest space in the house.

  • David Landes

    Up out of the Mississippi Delta in and around Bluesman BB King territory, David Lamont Landes was born in 1941. His parents, Art and Margaret Landes, worked as organizers on the Delta Cooperative Farm in Clarksdale, (Coahoma County) Miss….

  • Max R. Pitstick

    Max R. Pitstick, of Xenia, passed away Oct. 14 at his home. He was 78. He was born April 29, 1930, in Jamestown, the son of Raymond and Gertrude (Bittner) Pitstick.

  • Street Fair fare

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the Yellow Springs News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • The economic crisis at home—YS lenders weather financial storm

    The financial moorings in the U.S. might have wavered recently, but according to the leaders of several lending institutions with offices in Yellow Springs, there are still some stable ships out there who want to float you a deal.

  • 2nd candidate comes to YS

    In response to a question regarding how he would expand Yellow Springs’ tax base, candidate for Village manager Randy Bukas said he would first take good care of existing businesses, then seek to attract new ones.

  • AAUP plans to investigate closure of Antioch College

    The American Association of University Professors, or AAUP, has communicated with Antioch University leaders that it plans to launch an investigation into questions concerning the closure of Antioch College.

  • School serves up wisdom, skills

    The Heart of Joy Folkschool, which has been quietly simmering on a back burner, is ready to be served. “It’s come from a lot of people,” said artist Carolion, one of the initial organizers of the school. “It’s been cooking and bubbling for months.”

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