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  • Traveling tales in the ‘Box’

    Children aren’t the only ones who appreciate a well-told story. Bedtime stories, love stories, scary stories told around a campfire, folk and fish and fairy tales have, since human life began, entertained and educated young and old alike.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    With just seven swimmers, the YSHS girls swim team placed fourth out of 10 teams at the County Invitational on Friday and Sunday, Jan. 16 and 18. The Lady Bulldogs won the 200-medley relay with Erika Chick, Maiya Hodge, Elizabeth Malone and Barbara Jewell in 2.06 minutes by five seconds.

  • Leroy Sanford

    Leroy Sanford of Clifton died Monday, Jan. 19. He was 87. He was born Aug. 2, 1921, to Henrietta Sanford. He was the oldest of four children. He went to Mitchell School in Wilberforce, Ohio.

  • Chuck Smart

    Former Yellow Springs resident Chuck Smart died Dec. 29, 2008, in Bremerton, Washington with his wife, Dawn, and his brother, Sydney, at his side. He was born Feb. 10, 1941.

  • Council reviews the actions taken toward 2008 goals

    At the Jan. 5 meeting of Yellow Springs Village Council, Counci members reviewed the actions they took last year to address their 2008 Council goals.

  • Recreational youth basketball to start

    Recreational youth basketball for girls and boys will begin Saturday, Jan. 17, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Bryan Community Center gym. Parents and guardians must complete a registration form at their child’s first attendance.

  • Bulldogs Sports Round-up

    The YSHS boys basketball team lost to Middletown Christian 62–51 on Friday, Jan. 9, and then crushed Carlisle 86–61 the following night at home. Against Middletown, the Bulldogs were jilted by an early run from the Eagles and a tough post by Kevin Gaynor, who scored 30 points in the game.

  • Ronald Castle

    Ronald (Ronnie) G. Castle of Springfield died unexpectedly Tuesday, Jan. 13. He was 45. He was born Aug. 19, 1964, in Springfield, Ohio, son of Darrell and Judith Castle.

  • Robert Womacks

    Robert B. “Bob” Womacks of Yellow Springs died Saturday morning Jan. 10, in his home. He was 85. He was born Jan. 31, 1923, in Jefferson Township, Ohio, a son of Amzie Byron and Mary Jane (Rowell) Womacks.

  • Young’s Jersey Dairy— Celebrating 140 years on the farm

    Since the surge of the digital age made last year’s computer nearly obsolete, it seems that everything has changed. But the love of the farmstead has not. When the Young brothers realized that in the 1960s, it was a short jump to figuring out how to transform their historic farmstead into a business that would survive the ages.

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