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  • Plucky harpists learn some string theory at Antioch School

    The children sat on a rug in a semicircle around the visiting harpist in the art/science room at The Antioch School, each hugging her or his own child-sized harp, their faces pressed close to the strings.

  • University, alumni agree on first step to independence

    Antioch College alumni and Antioch University this week took a first step toward creating an independent college. The step was a letter of intent agreed upon by both the Antioch University Board of Trustees and the board pro tempore of the Antioch College Continuation Corporation toward the separation of the college from the university structure, according to a press release dated January 13.

  • Strangers — and friends — in the night

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Two men apprehended, confess to recent burglaries

    Yellow Springs police apprehended two Springfield men who confessed their involvement in the rash of burglaries that have been committed in the village over the past three to four months, Police Chief John Grote said on Tuesday morning.

  • Dismissal of lawsuit prompts appeal by Antioch faculty

    The former faculty of Antioch College recently appealed a November decision from the Greene County Common Pleas Court to dismiss the faculty lawsuit against Antioch University.

  • Economic health gets a local focus

    Organizers of an upcoming economic development workshop with nationally-known economist Michael Shuman hope that the event sparks, as well as specific actions, new thinking about the best ways to create a sustainable local economy.

  • Web site profiles life in village by and for young families

    “When the Village Council convenes in the small space at the Bryan Center, most Yellow Springs families are busy fixing dinner, attending after-school functions and extracurricular activities, and bathing and putting their youth to bed.”

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The Yellow Springs High School girls basketball team had just one game at home on Tuesday, Dec. 30, over the holiday break, which went to Belmont 54–50.

  • Yellow Springs, 2008: The year in review

    The fate of Antioch College, unknown at the beginning of 2008, remained unknown at year’s end. However, in the intervening 12 months a heart-wrenching story unfolded as a second alumni effort to save the college failed and the college closed its doors.

  • Roger L. Pitstick

    Roger L. Pitstick died Monday, Dec. 29, at Friends Care Center in Yellow Springs. He was two days shy of 79. He was born on Dec. 31, 1929, outside of Fairborn on the family farm. He was a lifelong farmer of Yellow Springs and an active community member.

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