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  • Creativity rules in one-act plays

    A police investigation’s slow-motion footage reveals muggers stealing something not usually kept in your pocket. A quaint church meeting worships a surprising deity. The “unluckiest girl in the world” is finally recognized as an unsung hero. An odd old man offers “Good Jerky” (recommending restraint in consumption) to an un-content boy who wishes to be different. “Kitten Kove,” an alliterative and improvised reality show audition, has something to do with outerspace and promises a different performance each showing.

    The 18th annual production of Yellow Springs High School student-written one-act plays includes all of the above and more, representing the social commentary one might expect from a group of bright and energetic teens contemplating the world around them.

  • 2009 goals focus of Council

    What is the best model for economic development for the village? How much of a priority should Council make green space preservation? How aggressive should the Village be in pursuing energy conservation practices and the use of alternative energy?

  • Center for arts strides ahead

    The many hands involved in the effort to build a Yellow Springs Center for the Arts have been busy lately and are preparing to roll out a string of announcements about their plans to dust off and shine up the arts efforts in the village.

  • At Mills Lawn School, a penny saved is a penny learned

    The ad hoc public relations team hurried down the hall, snaking their way past the lobby where colorful flags from 20 different countries hung from the ceiling. The group quickly grew in number as they stopped to collect more members en route to the 10:45 a.m. press conference. Sometimes a quick hug with a new […]

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Yellow Springs Lady Bulldogs basketball team turned around a losing streak and won the last three of their last five games. The Lady Dogs lost to Dayton Christian, 68–58, on Jan. 12.

  • Zerlean Upshaw

    Zerlean “Zee” Upshaw of Springfield died on Sunday, Jan. 25, in Springfield Regional Medical Center, High Street Campus. She was 71. She was born March 5, 1937, in Aiken, S.C., to the late Lafayette and Thelma (Smith) Andrews.

  • Ben Waterman

    Benjamin F. Waterman died at his home in Xenia on Jan. 19. He was 87. He was born Nov. 12, 1921, in Lynn, Mass., to the late Frank L. and Pauline E. Waterman.

  • Mighty crowds of joy

  • Revised school board policy supports artistic freedom

    Almost a year after a censored high school student-written play sparked a community controversy, the Yellow Springs Board of Education on Jan. 8 approved a revised board policy that clarifies that audience members will be given notice and the opportunity to leave if a play is deemed potentially offensive.

  • Shuman workshop generates potential business initiatives

    These were a few of the possible new business opportunities that came out of “Going Local,” a weekend workshop with economist Michael Shuman. About 200 people attended a standing-room-only keynote talk last Friday night at the Glen Helen building, and 70 villagers took part in the workshop on Saturday and Sunday.

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