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  • McGregor head to emphasize values

    Dr. Michael Fishbein will pursue several goals when he begins his job as president of Antioch University McGregor this summer. He hopes to offer more diversified programs, strengthen the school’s sense of community and make clear to the wider world the uniqueness of McGregor’s mission. That uniqueness is what attracted him to the job, Fishbein said in a recent interview.

  • Visioning effort kicks off

    At a work session Monday, May 26, local leaders took the first steps to kick off a community-wide nine-month visioning project. The effort begins with three months of preparation before the first public event.

  • Council tackles sustainability—Economic dialogue continues

    Should Village economic development efforts focus on strengthening local resources or working with regional partnerships? Should the bulk of money earmarked for development be used to pay a staff person, or instead to develop local resources? Is transparency appropriate to the economic development process?

  • The ‘News’ off the page, on the stage

    In the text of the classified ad about a lost puppy, there is a bigger story. In the letter to the editor about a neighbor’s farm that should or shouldn’t be developed, there is a bigger story. In the sports section about a ragamuffin team that clawed its way to state, there is still a bigger story.

  • They went that-a-way!

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Arts center site unveiled

    At the May 18 Village Council meeting, the Yellow Springs Center for the Arts Steering Committee announced a proposed location for a new performing arts facility. “This is an important step toward a vision of Yellow Springs as a center for the arts,” said Jerome Borchers, chair of the committee, who made the announcement.

  • Glismann searches elsewhere

    Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Norman Glismann was named one of five finalists for the position of superintendent of Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District last week, according to a Springfield News-Sun article from Tuesday, May 12. This is the second superintendent position that Glismann, who just finished the second year of a three-year contract with Yellow Springs schools, has applied for this year.

  • Board hears concerns on proposed cuts

    The May 14 school board meeting was held at Yellow Springs High School at 4 p.m. before, at its high point, an audience of approximately 40 people. Board President Aida Merhemic opened the meeting with an apology for the timing of the meeting, which was scheduled so as not to conflict with the schools’ spring music festival.

  • Antioch Buddhist program is 30

    The Buddhist Studies Program of Antioch Education Abroad, or AEA, offers something unique to young people, organizers believe. The young participants not only study Buddhism but live it, immersed in an exotic world as residents of a monastery among monks and nuns.

  • Edwina Malesko

    Edwina M. Bittner Malesko died after a lengthy illness at her residence. She was 74. Edwina was born Dec. 31, 1934, in Clifton, Ohio to the late James and Dorothy Suiters. She retired from Cedar Cliff Elementary with over 10 years of service.

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