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Village Council Retreat Agenda

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Participants: Judith Hempfling, Lori Askeland, Karen Wintrow,
John Booth, Rick Walkey, Council Clerk Judy Kintner, Village Manager
Mark Cundiff and Village Solicitor, John Chambers.
9 A.M. Brief statement from each participant regarding
current status.
9:15 Short discussion of roles. The role of citizens, council
members, council president and vice-president, village manager,
clerk of council, solicitor.
9:45 Discussion: Council Meeting Process.
10:45 Break
11:00 Village Council and Village Manager Workload
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Clerk of Council Workload and job review timeline.
1:00 Village Manager’s halfyear review.
1:15 Role of the Council Liaison on council commissions/how commission work interfaces with council work.
1:45 Break
2:00 Technology Issues: Council Clerk and Technological Support.


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