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Mickunas returns to WYSO

Starting this Friday, Sept. 17, popular radio personality Vick Mickunas will be back on WYSO Public Radio. Mickunas will return to the airwaves with his book interview program “Book Nook,” in which he interviews local and national authors about their books. The change is one of several of new local-oriented programs from WYSO.

The new “Book Nook” will be broadcast at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays, and will be repeated at 11 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

Mickunas originally began the  “Book Nook”  in the mid-1990s, and the program went off the air in 2003, when Mickunas left the station. While “Book Nook” has been aired for the past three years on an irregular basis, it has not had a regular time until this week.

The current WYSO general manager is Neenah Ellis.

Other programming changes at WYSO include the new show “Miami Valley StoryCorps” on Wednesdays at 6:30 and 8:30 a.m., starting Wednesday, Sept. 15. These programs are the product of WYSO’s collaboration with StoryCorps, the national oral history collection project that visited Dayton last spring, and consist of interviews between two local residents.

More local programming began Friday, Sept. 10, when WYSO reporter Emily McCord began a wrap-up of the week’s Ohio political news leading up to the November election during “All Things Considered.”

Commentaries by Julie Zickefoose, Ohio naturalist and writer, will also begin in September.


2 Responses to “Mickunas returns to WYSO”

  1. Amy Magnus says:

    Three cheers! Hooray!

  2. Vick Mickunas says:

    I am absolutely delighted to be able to bring the Book Nook back to WYSO on a regular basis. Thanks to Neenah Ellis and everybody at WYSO for making this possible.

    Tune in this Friday at 1:30 for my interview with the novelist James Lee Burke. The latest book in his Dave Robicheaux series is ‘The Glass Rainbow.” Burke is a superb literary stylist. I have interviewed him about a dozen times over the years. As you listen in to our conversation it should become apparent why I love interviewing him as much as I do. When he laughs you cannot resist the impulse to chuckle along with him. His intellect is first rate. His humor is infectious.

    If you miss the interview this Friday it will air again on Sunday morning at 11. Or you can download a podcast at Thanks, for listening!

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