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  • Schools lose football and students

    The decision of the Yellow Springs High School administration not to field a football team this fall for the first time since 1993 has impacted the school community. While the low number of players ultimately forced the program’s closure earlier this month, at least one local student has since chosen to transfer to a school with an active football team, and several others are considering doing the same.

  • Bulldog Sports Roundup

    The YSHS Bulldog boys soccer team opened its 2010 fall campaign with a 3–0 loss to the Chaminade-Julienne Eagles last Thursday, Aug. 26. Just five minutes into the match a careless Bulldog foul 20 yards in front of their own goal set up a direct free kick for the Eagles. Despite the wall of Bulldogs blocking the kick, Chaminade netted the goal to take the lead.

  • Sports Announcements

    The Yellow Springs Aquatic Club (the Seadogs) will hold an organizational meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7, 6 p.m., in the Yellow Springs Library meeting room. The group will elect officers and discuss grants, the yard sale, the survey and ways of making next year’s swim season even better.

  • Brenda Adams

    Brenda Joyce Adams was born in Springfield, Ohio, to the late Russell Lewis Winburn Sr. and Paulina Brown on Feb. 8, 1940. At an early age, she accepted Christ and was baptized in Ohio. She was united in holy matrimony to Philip Adams Jan. 4, 1958, in Springfield.

  • Ruth Bean

    Ruth Bean died Aug. 29 at Friends Care Assisted Living. She was 101. Ruth was born in Glen Ullin, N.D. She knit mittens for soldiers in World War I, played piano for silent movies and taught school in a one-room prairie schoolhouse.

  • Board of Education Meeting

    Thursday, Sept. 9th, 7 p.m., Mills Lawn School, Graham Conference Room

  • Public Meetings

    for the week of September 2–9

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2010, 7:00 p.m., Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center

  • Presbyterians throw birthday bash for community

    This photo, taken in the late 1800s, shows the 150-year-old santuary of the First Presbyterian Church as viewed from Walnut Street. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Yellow Springs First Presbyterian Church is throwing a 150th birthday party for the community that supported it through its long history on Friday, Sept. 3 from 7 p.m. to 9 on the church’s front lawn.

  • Request for Bids

    The Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio is soliciting sealed, competitive bids for: 2010 ELECTRIC UTILITY LINE CLEARING & TREE TRIMMING

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