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  • Antioch College presidential finalist believes in turning collaborative visions into reality

    Antioch College presidential candidate Mark Roosevelt, in a 2009 photo.

    Mark Roosevelt, the finalist for the job of president of Antioch College, will visit Yellow Springs next week. Roosevelt spoke with the News on Thursday, Oct. 7, about his interest in the job and his experience.

  • Eddie to be honored at 14th Art Stroll

    n was in 1996 that long-time village shopkeeper and painter Eddie Eckenrode helped organize the first Art Stroll. So it seems only fitting that this fall’s Art Stroll be held in honor of him.

  • Window on clinic closing

    It has been over a year since the Yellow Springs Family Health Center operated by Wright State University Physicians left Yellow Springs; the clinic has not been able to secure the funds needed to rebuild a medical center.

  • Business owner pleads guilty

    Local resident and business owner Elizabeth Stardancer pled guilty to a third-degree felony of abuse of an elderly person in Greene County Common Pleas Court on Friday, Oct. 1.

  • Tour to focus on the creative process

    For the last seven years, the annual October Studio Tour has flooded the town with art buyers, boosting the local tourist economy and supporting its artists.

  • Proposal considered for affordable village housing

    Village Council members began a discussion on a proposal for a modest joint Village/Home, Inc., project for affordable housing.

  • One year in, college is primed for students

    On a recent tour to recruit new students, Antioch College Admissions Director Kristen Pett found that the revived college, set to open its doors to students next fall, has plenty of well-wishers.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Carl Wiener shot an 83 at the sectional tournament in Greenville last week, earning him a spot in the state district tournament on Oct. 7. Wiener’s score tied for first among the four individuals advancing to districts and tied him for third in the scoring of all participants. Fellow YSHS golfer Zeb Reichert posted a 104.

  • Dinner fetes soccer

    Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc. will hold a community potluck on Saturday, Nov. 6, 7–9 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. The potluck will celebrate over 45 years of recreational soccer and honor Duke Conrad and Shirley Kristensen for their contributions to women’s soccer in Yellow Springs. Current and former players, referees, coaches and their families are encouraged to attend. Those planning to attend should bring a dish to share and table service for each person.

  • John Magee

    There will be a celebration of the life of John Magee on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2:30 p.m. at the Friends Care Extended Care dining room. The public is invited to attend and share memories about John. Those who are unable to attend but would like to share a memory may contact Ellen Magee at

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