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  • Antioch College presidential candidate to visit

    Mark Roosevelt, a finalist for the position of Antioch College president, will visit the Antioch campus next Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 13–14, to meet with the college and Yellow Springs communities.

  • Board of Zoning Appeals

    Notice is hereby given that Shu-Yuan Chiang and You-Chien Chiang have requested a variance from the side yard set-back requirement in order to construct a carport at their property at 313 Whitehall Dr.

  • Name Change Notice

    Kristina Marie Jackson-Burmester

  • Public Meetings

    for the week of October 7–14

  • Board of Education Meeting

    Agenda for Thursday, October 14th

  • VIDEO – Mills Lawn teacher Ben Trumbull surprised with award

    Third/fourth grade teacher Ben Trumbull was surprised to receive a giant box of classroom supplies and a new leather chair. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Mills Lawn teacher Ben Trumbull received more than $1,000 worth of classroom supplies as part of “A Day Made Better,” a national program sponsored OfficeMax. See the video of the surprise award ceremony.

  • Autumn harvest

    The farmers markets are still happening every Thursday, 2 to 6 p.m at the South Town Market in the General Dollar parking lot and Saturday from 7 am until noon at the Kings Yard and the Corner Cone parking lots with plenty of autumn produce.

  • Varsity volleyball team sweeps opponent

    Brittany Klotz sets the ball to a teammate in her 12 point performance versus Dayton Jefferson last Thursday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Yellow Springs varsity volleyball team dominated Dayton Jefferson in a three-set sweep last Thursday.

  • VIDEO – Local band Kuan wails

    Meet local band Kuan’s and listen to tracks from their latest album, Colors.

  • Village homes to be featured in national solar tour

    Pat Brown's solar home, featuring ten solar photovoltaic panels, will be on display this weekend as part of the national solar home tour. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Four homes in Yellow Springs homes are being featured Saturday, Oct. 2, and and Sunday, Oct. 3, as part of the national solar tour, including two new listings.

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