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  • Antioch College hires first faculty

    This week Antioch College leaders announced that the college has filled three out of its first six tenure-track faculty positions, and passed the first hurdle on the multi-year path to accreditation.

  • New librarian at Antioch Midwest

    Antioch Midwest has invigorated new academic programs and hired library director Steven Shaw to serve the research needs of its campus.

  • Godzilla comes to the village

    Super-Fly Comics and Games is one of 100 comic stores in the U.S. to be featured on a retailer-exclusive cover of comic publisher IDW’s Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #1.

  • BLOG — An opera cake to sing about

    This great for any sweet occasion cake really is easier to make than it looks.

  • James A. McKee Group to host affordable housing forum

    The James A. McKee Group will host “A Community Conversation about Affordable Housing” on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center Great Room (227 Xenia Avenue).

  • James A. McKee Group to host affordable housing forum

    The James A. McKee Group will host “A Community Conversation about Affordable Housing” on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center Great Room (227 Xenia Avenue).

  • New census data shows areas of growth, decline

    Yellow Springs lost an additional 7.3 percent of its population in the last decade, continuing a 40-year population plummet.

  • YSKP pulls for summer season

    YS Kids Playhouse will hold its annual fundraiser to help save the summer season at its new space on the Antioch College campus next month. Pictured are, clockwise from top left, production coordinator Tom Clevenger, board member Nadia Malarkey, director John Fleming and board member Roger Beal. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Every summer for the past 15 years, YS Kids Playhouse, the little theater that could, has put on at least one musical and often two original productions. But what if suddenly there wasn’t a YSKP summer season?

  • Services to citizens vary greatly by community

    Yellow Springs residents do pay more to live in the village, according to a 2008 cost of living comparison of school and municipal income tax, property tax and utility costs in area towns.

  • More cost, more services in Village

    Conventional wisdom says that Yellow Springs is an expensive place to live relative to other area towns, and statistics bear out that assumption.

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