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  • CHART: Census results show population and diversity declines

    Yellow Springs lost an additional 7.3 percent of its population in the last decade, continuing a 40-year population plummet that has left the village with 24.6 percent fewer residents than in 1970, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau figures.

  • Free youth programs at Glen Helen Pancake Breakfast

    Glen Helen Pancake Breakfast activites

    Glen Helen naturalists are offering free youth programs throughout the 36th Annual Pancake Breakfast.

  • Latest News Posts

  • Dr. Sherry Weaton to empower the “inner healer” at Wellness Weekend

    Dr. Sherry Weaton, a Jungian workshop leader devoted to empowering the inner healer, will speak at Antioch University Midwest on Saturday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m

  • YSI seeks strategic partner

    YSI Incorporated is seeking a strategic partner in order to provide more liquidity for stakeholders, according to a March 17 press release from the company.

  • Signs of Spring in Yellow Springs

    [photosmash id=1]

  • Yellow Springers pay more, receive more in public services

    Yellow Springs is a more expensive place to live than many cities and towns surrounding it, but village residents also benefit from a wider range of public services than other places as well, including access to one of the only municipal swimming pools in Greene County.

  • Roosevelt speaks on schools crisis

    Public education in America is in dire straits, and people of all political persuasions need to put aside differences and find solutions together, according to Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt.

  • Census shows resident drop

    If estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau hold, the population in the Village of Yellow Springs may have declined by 12.9 percent from 2000 to 2009, to 3,275 residents.

  • School proposes budget cuts

    Last week the Yellow Springs school district released the cuts to the 2011–12 budget that the school board will consider at its meeting tonight, Thursday, March 10, at 7 p.m.

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