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Clothes That Work donations must be clean and ready to wear, and preferably be on hangers. (Photo from

Clothes That Work donations must be clean and ready to wear, and preferably be on hangers. (Photo from

Donate clothes to women for work

The First Presbyterian Church will next week hold a collecting drive for “Clothes That Work,” a project sponsored by the Montgomery County Jobs Program that provides suitable office apparel for women who are seeking employment or leaving public assistance.

Village women are asked to go through their closets to find clothes that women seeking jobs might be able to use for interviews or work. Please bring the clothes to the church anytime between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. next Monday through Friday, April 23 through 27.

Petite and plus sizes are especially needed. Clothes must be clean and ready to wear, and preferably be on hangers. Jackets, skirts, pants, dresses and tops are all useful, along with belts, scarves, jewelry and lightly-worn shoes.



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