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  • ‘Godzilla’ takes to the stage with a comic twist

    The cast and crew of GODZILLA!, an original musical parody written by Yellow Springs native Corrie Van Ausdal, rehearsed last weekend at the Glen Helen Auditorium. The show, produced by YSKP, opens in the auditorium on Friday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m. and continues Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. and on the following weekend, Friday, Feb. 14, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 15, with performances at 7 and 10 p.m. From left are musical director Xavier Suarez, actors Blaize Wright, Bear Wright, Sumayah Chappelle, Duard Headley and Jeremiah Scott, stage manager Amy Cunningham, writer/director Van Ausdal, assistant director Hannah Craig and choreographer Jill Becker. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A 500-foot fire-breathing monster rises from the sea and tromps around with no regard for human life.
    That’s the gist the plot of an upcoming local production, only this time, GODZILLA! is a clever comedy with pop music.

  • Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

    Feb. 6–12, 2014 Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

  • Walt Tulecke


    Walt Tulecke died peacefully with family nearby at Friends Care Center on Jan. 28, following surgery for a broken hip. He was 89 years old, two weeks shy of his 90th birthday.

  • Local business rebounding

    Local businesses appear to be recovering and returning the Village to pre-2009 tax revenue levels, according to data from the Regional Income Tax Agency, or RITA.

  • Search for new village manager begins

    At Village Council’s Jan. 21 meeting, Council member Brian Housh presented recommendations for the process and timeline for the upcoming Village manager search.

  • All Greek to me: A peek at Project-Based Learning

    Above, Ischel Heredia, left, dressed as Persephone, and Anastasia Cooper, dressed as one of the Fates, stand in front of the seventh-grade’s Ancient Greece project. (Photo by Matt Minde

    The Yellow Springs Schools presented a peek at Project-Based Learning at Mills Lawn School Friday, Jan. 31.

  • B&B change now off planner’s table

    A potential change in a village bed and breakfast stirred up controversy among neighbors this week. Read more.

  • Council considers water plant upgrade

    At their Feb. 3 meeting, Village Council members heard a presentation on the cost of updating the existing Village water plant.

  • Upcoming musical weekend

    The First Presbyterian Church will be busy this weekend with concerts on both Saturday and Sunday evenings.

  • Village renews energy-saving program

    Yellow Springs saved 3.5 percent of its annual electric consumption over the last three years and now hopes to cut more with Efficiency Smart.

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