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  • Bulldog sports round-up

    Members of the 2014 Yellow Springs High School girls varsity softball team are, from left, front row, Ashley Longshaw, Jesi Worsham and Chelsea Horton; back row, Dani Worsham, Amelia Gray, Victoria Willis, Aliza Skinner, Rachel Hiatt, Evelyn Greene, Sierra Lawrence, Rachele Orme, Olivia Ramage. Not pictured are Nekyla Hawkins, Danny Horton and Shanice Wright. (Submitted photo by Jimmy DeLong)

    SOFTBALL Strength in numbers for girls Four years ago the Yellow Springs High School softball team was unable to field a team due to lack of numbers. Times have changed since then as this year’s team has 15 girls on the roster, according to third-year coach Jimmy DeLong. “When I was first hired three years […]

  • Bridge to close year-old gap

    A rendering of the new Hyde Road covered bridge currently under construction, as seen from the bike path. Completion is scheduled for beginning of June. (Elevation plan courtesy of Greene County Engineering)

    The wooden bridge that was taken out early last year at Hyde Road where it meets Corry Street will be replaced this spring by a covered bridge.

  • Water rate hike approved

    At the March 17 Village Council meeting, Council approved in a 4–0 vote a 15 percent hike in local water rates, the largest single year increase in years.

  • ESC focuses on early intervention

    Friends Preschool Program teacher Janice Kumbusky serves lunch to students at Friends Care Community, including from left, Elaina Gilley, Cara Rodin-Brewer, Vann Gleadell, Donovan Cooney, Payton Mulley, David Torres. The local school will benefit from a grant the Greene County Educational Service Center received to focus on early childhood mental health intervention. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    “There’s a rising epidemic of anxiety,” fueled by a culture of fear and the ubiquitous presence of technology, says Timothy Callahan, a clinical psychologist and the director of mental health programming for the Greene County Educational Service Center (GCESC), which is based in Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, April 7, 2014, 7 p.m.

  • Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Yellow Springs Board Of Education

    Updated Agenda for Thursday, April 10

  • Planning Commission, Yellow Springs, Ohio

    Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 7:00 p.m.

  • CHART: Job changes in YS

    What are the predominant local jobs in Yellow Springs and where do Yellow Springers work? A new article explores the trend that fewer local jobs means more commuting for residents.

  • Bike meeting to be held

    The YS Bicycle Enhancement Committee and Safe Routes to School will hold a meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 7:30–8:45 p.m., at Mills Lawn.

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