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Yes to seniors, Neuhardt, liquor

Services for seniors and margaritas in the village: these are the initial results of Tuesday’s election primary.

Issue 3, the renewal levy with an increase for the Greene County Council on Aging, easily passed. County-wide, the levy garnered 12,843 votes in favor, with 7,542 voting against. The number of Yellow Springs votes, with precinct breakdowns, will not be available until after May 20, according to the Board of Elections.

The levy will provide about $100,000, or 35 percent of the total budget, to the Yellow Springs Senior Center, along with funding to nine other county agencies. In Yellow Springs, the funding supports transportation, homemaking care for elders in their homes, and a host of other services and activities.

Those who live in the south end of town gave a resounding Yes! to margaritas in their precinct, with 237, or 92 percent voting yes to allowing a liquor license to a new Mexican restaurant, and 20 voters, or 8 percent, voting no. The vote on allowing liquor on Sundays was similar, with 228, or 89 percent, in favor, and 28 voters, or 11 percent, voting against. The vote allows the restaurant to sell liquor from 11 a.m. to midnight on Sunday.

The local option was sought by the owner of Dona Margarota’s Mexican restaurant, who hopes to open his restaurant in the former KFC building on U.S. 68. The vote was required because the village had already filled its liquor permit quota.

In other races, the Democratic candidate for governor, Ed Fitzgerald, and his Yellow Springs running mate, Sharen Neuhardt, easily swept the primary and are now the official opponents of Governor John Kasich in November. The Fitzgerald ticket gained 353,777 votes compared to that of its opponent, Larry Ealy, who won 71,804.

State Issue 1, which provides state funding for infrastructure projects, also won. Statewide, the issue received 776,740 approving votes, with 417,720 voting against. Since 1996, Yellow Springs has received about $2 million from this funding source for infrastructure projects.


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