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Villagers can expect brown water during next week's hydrant flushing, which begins Monday, Aug. 18.

Villagers can expect brown water during next week's hydrant flushing, which begins Monday, Aug. 18.

Brown water coming soon

Usually, twice-a-year hydrant flushing is the culprit behind the brown water that makes an appearance every six months in village homes. However, Village staff had to cancel the last scheduled flushing due to a filter that went down at the water plant last spring. So the hydrant flushing that begins next week is likely to produce water that’s even browner than usual, according to Water and Wastewater Plant Superintendent Joe Bates this week.

“This has the potential to be the worst we’ve seen in a long time,” Bates said.

Village staff will begin hydrant flushing on Monday, Aug. 18, starting at the south end of town and working their way north. The process will take most of the week. During that time, villagers can expect brown water, although some parts of town may have darker water than others, and some may have no coloration at all.

The brown color, caused by the presence of manganese and some iron in the water, does not pose a health risk, according to Bates.

“It’s mainly a cosmetic issue,” he said.

Villagers can lessen the effect of brown water by flushing out their home systems until the water runs clear. It’s also a good time to run the washer without clothes to get rid of the brown water, although if clothes are stained, the Village utility office provides for free a product to remove the stains.

See the Aug. 14 News for a more detailed story on the brown water.


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