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  • Water draw

    Jon Van Dommelen of the Ohio EPA giving a demonstration at the Yellow Springs wastewater plant on how to troubleshoot nitrification and denitrification with online nitrate and ammonium sensors. (photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 70 southwestern Ohio water and wastewater treatment plant personnel, along with representatives from the Ohio EPA, attended the fall meeting of the Ohio Water Environment Association last Thursday, co-sponsored by YSI/Xylem and the Yellow Springs wastewater plant.

  • YSHS presents ‘Harvey’— Big rabbit, big deal at new theater

    The Yellow Springs High School Theater Arts Association presents ‘Harvey,’ the 1944 Pulitzer prize-winning play by Mary Chase. Cast members are, from left, sitting in front, Anna Knippling, Kaila Russell; middle row, Allison Bothwell, Josh Seitz, Sierra Ward, Jonah Trillana; back row, Shekinah Williams, Alex Kellogg, Simone Collins, Windom Mesure. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    “Harvey,” presented by the Yellow Springs High School Theater Arts Association, runs two weekends, Oct. 17–19 and Oct. 24–26, at the recently renovated Antioch College Foundry Theater.

  • Special Council Meeting

    VILLAGE OF YELLOW SPRINGS Regarding: Water Plant Criteria Architect/Engineering Services Presentations Notice is hereby given that Council members will be present. DATE: Mon., Oct. 27, 2014 TIME: 6 p.m. LOCATION: Council Chambers PRESENTATIONS: 6 pm HNTB 6:45 pm Burgess and Niple 7 pm Hazen and Sawyer/LJB The meetings are wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a […]

  • Wrights raise the haunts of Kyoto

    Harold and Jonatha Wright wrote and Sherraid Scott illustrated ‘Flesh Crawling Tales from Old Japan,’ published this month in time for Halloween. The authors will host a signing on Sunday, Oct. 19, 3–5 p.m. at the Arts Council Gallery on Corry Street, where Scott will also do a printmaking demonstration. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Once a year, near the time of the autumn equinox, Harold and Jonatha Wright put on black clothes, and tell gruesome stories that drew people in, curdle their blood, and chill them to the bone.

  • Issue 2 seeks library stability

    On Nov. 4, voters will find on the ballot Issue 2, the library levy.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Yellow Springs High School students to try alternative tests

    Yellow Springs High School students are scheduled to try out the first of a bevy of alternative standardized tests that the school district is considering for next year.

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    CROSS COUNTRY Brown qualifies for regionals YSHS sophomore Levi Brown led the Bulldogs to a seventh-place finish out of nine teams at the OHSAA District Meet at the Miami Valley Career Technical Center on Saturday. With his 17:56 personal best run in the 5K race, Brown finished 13th out of 64 runners and earned a […]

  • Antioch College ‘needs more’

    Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt summarized the significant challenges involved in remaking the college, now at the start of its fourth year of operation: “You can see it from here, but it’s still just slightly out of reach.”

  • Yellow Springs spends over income

    On Oct. 6 Village Council began its annual series of budget planning workshops with a sober look at the second year of deficit spending in the general fund.

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